Professional Profiles for each individual employer
Matthew Martin
This would essentially create a database of candidates that have only applied to their jobs. Currently if I log in as an employer I can not see any professional profiles unless "Browse Profiles" is turned on, but this gives them access to every profile on the job board - even if they have not applied to any of their jobs or job types. So many of the profiles may be irrelevant to them. This would be a much more relevant list of only people that have applied to their specific jobs.
Matthew Martin
So it would be just an add on- "Only Employers with candidates that applied to their specific jobs" or something like that :D
Matthew Martin
Maybe I need to reword the title a bit -"Professional Profiles" for only applicants for that employers jobs. If they applied there would be a list of applicants instead of them having to click on each job to see applicants
Tammy Anderson
We are using the job board more as a place for employers to search and would agree this would be very helpful. It would also be good for employers to rate candidates or hide them from not appearing in further searches.
Matthew Martin
This exits for us as the main user- I can search profiles for one Employer and then see the name of the candidate, their contact info, the job the applied to and when they applied so this would be great for each employer to see!