Option to set job expiry by date instead of number of days
Bedros Osmanian
Thanks for all your ideas Laryssa Tyson Lebar , Sarah & Joe T
For your reference, at the moment, when manually setting the job expiration days, the end date will also be displayed based on the number of days you select.
We will definitely take your feedback into consideration during future updates
Laryssa Tyson Lebar
Yes, waiting on this feature before we engage with JBoard.
These all should be options not either or
Having both options would be great!
Joe T
Yes -- this needs to be a calendar picker option instead of the current method.
Also -- there should be an option to sort listings by the expiration date of each post.
And on top of that -- it would be really excellent if the expiration date could be shown on the main page of the search results.
Laryssa Tyson Lebar
Joe T Yes! all of these!